Ready to write red couplets for Chinese Lunar New Year? Try below different sizes of red couplets (paper).
There are other plenty choices too, such as (Inner red w/Speckles 128cmx30cm) Hanging Scrolls Couplet - L/M/S), or simply get some red Xuan papers.
- 13" x 3 3/4" , plain with gold speckles- 27" x 3 1/2", 7-character with 2" circle
- 27" x 6 1/2", 5-character with 3 1/2" circle
- 43" x 7", 7-character with 4" circle
一般紅紙沒格子,若想寫五言或七言對聯時, 又不想摺紙的話, 得先選用五言或七言「瓦當」的春聯紙(印有圓形圖案)。其他選擇包括大紅灑金對聯掛軸和灑上金粉的紅色「灑金宣」紅宣紙也可。
- 13吋紅紙灑金賀年春聯紙
- 27吋七言賀年瓦當春聯紙
- 27吋五言賀年瓦當春聯紙
- 43吋七言賀年瓦當春聯紙